- Self-portrait with Everlasting Flowers, oil on canvas 2011 size 90 x 65 cm
- Ground with Everlasting Flowers, oil on canvas 2013 size 60 x 50 cm
- Thought with Everlastings, oil on canvas 2013 size 70 x 40 cm
- Everlasting Flowers and Small Chrysanthemums, oil on cardboard 2011 size 72 x 50 cm
- Purple Everlastings, oil on cardboard 2011 size 42 x 29 cm
- Thistle-Everlastings, oil on cardboard 2012 size 72 x 50 cm
- Everlasting Flowers in Glasses, oil on cardboard canvas 2012 size 33 x 46 cm
- Everlasting Flowers, oil on canvas 2010 size 82 x 105 cm
- Still Life with Irises in the Night, oil on canvas 2011 size 65 x 90 cm
- Katia Reading with a Hat, oil on canvas 2011 size 70 x 100 cm
- White Shelf, oil on canvas 2012 size 50 x 80 cm
- Palm Sunday, oil on canvas 2011 size 30 x 100 cm
- Still Life with Radiator, oil on canvas 2010 size 50 x 125 cm
- Everlastings and Pretzels, oil on canvas 2011 size 45 x 60 cm
- Vital Space, oil on canvas 2013 size 60 x 70 cm
- Everlasting Flowers with Pincers and Hammer, oil on canvas 2011 size 46 x 40 cm
- Everlasting Flowers in Braziliei Street, oil on canvas 2013 size 50 x 40 cm
- Katia with Everlasting Flowers, oil on cardboard 2011 size 36 x 30 cm
- Mom Knitting in Blue, oil on canvas 2012 size 106 x 92 cm
- An Actress, oil on canvas 2012 size 55 x 45 cm
- Personage in the Studio, oil on canvas 2012 size 60 x 50 cm
- Moroccan Stories, oil on canvas 2012 size 95 x 80 cm
- Lungs, oil on canvas 2013 63.5 x 53 cm
- Dad Reading in the Studio, oil on canvas 2013 size 110 x 80 cm
- Studio with Everlastings, oil on canvas 2014 size 105 x 82 cm
was the name of a 2014 exhibition with what I was calling before “Studio with Everlastings” series of oil paintings, created between 2010-2013. The idea of this series came to me after having painted various still lifes with flowers that I gathered at the end of the year 2010 in an exhibition called “With Flowers” which in Romanian was “Cu flori” – cutting the letter “f” it remains “culori”, the Romanian word for “colors” – shortly, one of the pretexts for painting them. I kept some Everlastings in my studio afterwards and this was a presence that was discreetly changing some aspects of my workspace. I was seeing the flowers otherwise than when they were the main subject and this seemed to me interesting – to have them only as some kind of filters. It was a perception that allowed me to expand with all sorts of compositions, thanks to only one restriction, this leitmotif: some dry, very patient flowers.
Here you can see some photos from the opening, the 6th of March 2014, published on Modernism magazine http://www.modernism.ro/2014/03/12/nadina-pascariu-siemprevivas/
A relevant understanding from a well known Romanian art critic that I appreciate, Pavel Şuşară, can be read on my Reviews page.